Kumamoto Castle (Kumamoto-jō) is a hilltop Japanese castle located in Kumamoto in Kumamoto Prefecture. It was a large and extremely well fortified castle. The castle keep (tenshukaku) is a concrete reconstruction built in 1960, but several ancillary wooden buildings remain of the original castle. Kumamoto Castle is considered one of the three premier castles in Japan, along with Himeji Castle and Matsumoto Castle. Thirteen structures in the castle complex are designated Important Cultural Property.
The signature curved stone walls, known as musha-gaeshi, as well as wooden overhangs, were designed to prevent attackers from penetrating the castle. Rock falls were also used as deterrents.
In nearby San-no-Maru Park is the Hosokawa Gyobu-tei, the former residence of the Hosokawa clan, the daimyo of Higo Province during the Edo period. This traditional wooden mansion has a fine Japanese garden located in its grounds.
Kumamoto Castle recently celebrated its 400th anniversary. On December 7, 2007, a large-scale renovation of the Lord's Inner Palace was completed. A public ceremony for the restoration was held on April 20, 2008.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumamoto_Castle
Images: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category: Kumamoto_Castle
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